There is an easy way to compress and password-protect Zip files via terminal. It requires some unique commands, but it's a great way to password protect ZIP files and folders on a Mac. If you want to encrypt a Zip file on Mac and don't want others to open and view it, you can make it by using Terminal. How to Password Encrypt a Zip File on Mac with Terminal

Click "Backup now" and back up the encryption key to a removable media as recommended. Back up your file encryption key when a pop-up window asks. Go back to the main window, click "Apply". At the bottom of the Advanced Attributes menu, check the box next to "Encrypt contents to secure data". On the General tab, click the "Advanced" button. Right-click on the Zip file and select "Properties" in the drop-down menu. Navigate to the Zip file you want to encrypt. Make sure you are a Windows Pro, Education, or Enterprise user as the password protect feature is not available on Windows 10 Home. Windows 10 provides an encryption feature that enables you to encrypt a Zip file. Protect ZIP Files Using Windows 10 Encrypting File System (EFS) You can open EXE encrypted files or folders on another computer. This tool can encrypt files and folders into GFL format or EXE format with an advanced AES encryption algorithm. There are some reliable file lock and encrypt programs that you can apply to encrypt Zip files, and EaseUS LockMyFile is a renowned one. How to Encrypt a Zip File with Password Using a File Encrypt Tool Once the compression process is finished, you'll see the zipped file in the same directory. If you are sending the zip file via email, you will need to provide the password to the recipient later to unzip the file. Now, select ZIP for the "Archive format" and then click "OK".

Click "Set Password" and set your own password.

Find the file or folder you wish to zip. Right-click it and select "Add to archive". You can download the free version of WinRAR and zip your files with password protection. How to Encrypt a Zip File on Windows 10 with WinRar This article displays several ways to encrypt a Zip file with a password on both Windows and Mac computers. If you don't know how to encrypt a Zip file, you've come to the right place. Like any other file, Zip files need to be well protected, such as encrypting or password-protect it to prevent snooping. The common compressed or zipped file formats are. Zipped files can also reduce the space occupied and save storage resources. Compressing or zipping files is to reduce files, especially when we transfer files online, or when we insert files into emails and send them as attachments, compressing the files a bit smaller will make transfer faster.